Sunday, January 18, 2009


The hills around EMPAC provide some of the best (if not the best) sledding on the RPI campus. It has everything, from easy beginner slopes to super fasts.

The slope running down the north side of EMPAC some great blue square (intermediate) sledding. The 6 terraces provide a quick and bumpy ride. If you're going fast enough, you'll catch air on the last two. You'll probably need to get a running start if you're riding cardboard and want to get air. We found that the saucers we bought from True Value were really fast on this run.

If EMPAC isn't open, the walk back up can be made easier by sticking close to the glass wall. There's gravel, which gives more traction, and you can use EMPAC to help balance yourself.


The hill directly in front of the Folsom library is prime for sledding. The initial drop gives you enough speed to make it all the way to 8th street. (Un)fortunately, there's a wall there to stop you, but if you venture to far right, you'll fall though the gap in the wall.

The walk back up the hill is quite a work out at this point. The steepness and iciness warrant careful climbing. Given the speed and the obstacles on this slope, I rate it a black diamond (difficult).

The Sledder Team inspecting the premises.

If you venture to the right (looking down the hill) of the black diamond slope you'll come across a more beginner-friendly slope. The incline is more gentle and the run doesn't terminate with a stone wall. Stay close to Carnegie, and you'll have a good time.

Overall, EMPAC provides some great sledding oppurtunities. Despite being all the way down by 8th street, you'll be hard pressed to find anything steeper in Troy.

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